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Educational Articles (36)

  • Divine Ki Levels and Phases

    As my own experiences and training with Divine Ki has progressed, I've learned a lot from the early days of the technique. Some of this is thanks to working with and helping many people in our realm refine their own Divine Ki, but some of this is also thanks to working with spirits, beings, servitors, and others who have been attuned to Divine Ki. I felt it was time to write a little bit about some of those experiences, and how my understanding of Divine Ki has shifted. Initially, Divine Ki was broken up into levels, and on average reaching Divine Ki 2 was considered an accomplishment, but reasonable for someone starting out to achieve with the right focus and intensity. Spirits and beings achieved Divine Ki 2 more easily, thanks to more durable bodies, but always seemed to have a harder time reaching Divine Ki 3 due to not having the grounded foundational bodies of the Prime Material Plane. For the longest time, we used an exponential calculation to determine the power of Divine Ki as a multiplier, and at the lower levels that still seems reasonable. Each "Level" is a gate of internal power opened and released into the system, while the roots of Divine Ki itself are vast beyond measure. Level 1 I've always estimated at being around 100% of a person's natural power. The average person uses around 10% of their power, so this becomes close to a 10x multiplier. Even with deep training, it is rare to find someone using 50% of their power, we naturally keep a lot in reserve, similar to how we keep muscle fibers in reserve. Looking at that now, I'd say it's closer to a full 2x multiplier of the persons maximum, added to whatever state they are in now. Divine Ki 1 is just a massive jump in power that shouldn't be underestimated on its own. It is more than that though, it's an energy source that sits at a constant 2X multiplier, so energy fatigue is not a thing, but energy exposure fatigue is. Most people who achieve Divine Ki 1 with the training we offer, find they can't maintain it 100% of the time, and that is to be expected. It's still a massive increase to the natural power flow, even with how the meridians and spirit body are reinforced to handle it. The amount of energy though, doesn't decrease, it's a steady constant once that gate is opened. Divine Ki 2 then no longer seems to fit the 2 to the 2nd power calculation, and I'd say it's closer to a 2X multiplier of the previous level for each new level. So Divine Ki 1 provides 2x Maximum, 2 provides 4x Maximum, 3 provides 12x Maximum, and so on and so forth. This makes a lot more sense as we hit higher Divine Ki levels such as Divine Ki 5. At 240X The base maximum instead of 3,125 Base Maximum. With Divine Ki 9 still being the maximum I can achieve, while using other healing attunements, or funneling it through my Soul Sword to take the strain off my body, that's still an insanely high multiplier of 725,760, but given the level of power of things where this was necessary, it actually seems like a more reasonable calculation. With that established, one thing I've also noticed is that most beings, spirits, and servitors have a unique form of Divine Ki. Their energy systems funnel it in some way, this may just be because they have less defined bodies and CAN funnel it more efficiently, but it almost always results in the power funneling with a minor abstraction, such as a darker Divine Ki that can still absorb outside energies in several rarer instances, or a Divine Ki that does not lend itself to energy projection but provides an increased level of physical protection and strength in the planes. Many spirits and beings still manifest a traditional Divine Ki, and simply innovate to jump the gap between Level 1 and 2, or 2 and 3 during testing, so that should be considered its own category, and I suspect many humans have a little more strength or energy projection themselves, and just don't test it. Things in the spirit realms are more prominent and easier to see in terms of energy, so this makes sense. This led me toward an investigation into a NEW Use of Divine Ki for myself, and for any who are advanced enough to focus on it. This has taken years of experience to find, and years more to refine, and likely will require that others with the attunement focus on things like Universal Flow meditations, and the like. This New Discovery is called Divine Ki Flow. Divine Ki Flow isn't something I can pass on with an attunement, but it is a state one can reach. Ultimately, when one has mastered the energy of Divine Ki, where they can open the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth gate with minimum effort, and can feel, sense, and direct Divine Ki currents naturally, Divine Ki flow becomes a possibility. This form of Divine Ki isn't stronger than normal Divine Ki, but it is smoother, steadier. Instead of the Gate being opened, it's a continual rise in steady power until nearly the same level of power is achieved. It's a subtle, steady power, and it is far easier on the body. Using Divine Ki Flow BEFORE opening a gate makes the gate opening smoother, and more intense. This then readjusts the Divine Ki scale a little further. One who has gained Divine Ki flow can approach 90% of Divine Ki at each level they can do the Flow form (each level takes practice). For me, I can currently do Divine Ki Flow up to Level 5. I am always training, so when you read this in the future and it's a higher level, realize I grow and learn as well. Divine Ki Flow also seems to up reaction times beyond Divine Ki, and to be a somewhat "faster" energy, allowing for greater speed, but with no strain in the planes. In the physical realm it seems better for cleansing than traditional Divine Ki. So what about the power increase once the Gate is fully opened? If Divine Ki Flow provides only 10% less power, I'd say once the gate is opened after one can achieve divine Ki flow, that level of power is around 10 - 20% Greater than previous calculations. This is an exciting time for me in terms of understanding vaster powers, and seeing that even a technique from years ago has room for growth shows just how much further we can all go in our training, understanding, and mastery of the mystical arts!

  • What Preconjure is Right For You?

    I get asked this question a lot "What kind of preconjure should I be looking for?" and things like "I'm not really need a warrior preconjure, what does a warrior offer to me and my keep if I'm not having to defend myself often." I wanted to take a moment and give some thoughts on that. Warrior preconjures are straight forward. The powers they use for attacking a foe, can be put toward removing barriers in ones life path, destroying obstacles to wealth and happiness, or blasting through barriers to luck and prosperity. Guardians are the other side of that coin, they protect what you have. This isn't always just from attacks from hostile beings. In the planes a concentrated mass of negative luck or fate, chaotic energies you aren't ready for, death or destruction energies, or all manner of other things could influence your spiritual and then mundane life. Guardians create a barrier against this, using their phenomenal powers to stop the source of such things in the other realm. Guides are not just for your guidance, but provide immeasurable benefits to a larger keep. Those who have high focus in the Guide area, often make others stronger through guidance, help coordinate efforts across a wide range, or provide support in other ways with their vast wisdom. While guides can help you find your way and path, help you find the road to what you are looking to achieve, they can also help your keep in sorting things out better. A good guide is a powerful thing, not to be discounted. Healers seem initially to be only focused on helping the physical body. While they are great at balancing the spiritual energies that cause physical illness, they are also good at healing situations, cleansing areas, providing boosts of power to those around them. Healing is a catch all term for positive energy works that provide a benefit against erosive situations or energies. When times are tough, a healer has great potential to heal not just a body, or an emotional state, or even just a mind, but also situations, damaged roads, relationships, and all manner of things. Mystics initially seem to be the "best" category when people hear the term, but understanding what all a mystic brings to the table is important. Mystics aren't just a "being with magick" most of them have SOME kind of magick working they do, some innate powers or abilities. No mystics are more than this. These are scholars, deep researchers. Their keen minds make them amazing planners, and their wide range of magicks means they are never without solutions. While helpful for us in practicing the arts to learn more, a Mystic brings with them an arsenal of learned knowledge, and they are ALWAYS gaining more. That is their passion and drive. A mystic amplifies not just their keeper, but their keep, with a wide range of spells. Does your keep have a crafter or two? If they are having trouble finding something to create to solve a problem, a Mystic may have the insight to inspire them, or may even be able to amplify their working by layering spells unto their creations. Is there a barrier no one else could move in your life? Every mystic takes on different approaches to their study, so a new mystic in your keep could be just what is needed to take that barrier away. Lastly we have Generalists and Specialists. Two sides of a coin. Generalists have such a wide range of abilities, that they are "good at everything" but focus on that generality as part of who they are. They have more versatility than any focused conjure in another area, and even if they lack a focus in a particular area, they are able to fill that role admirably. A good example would be a familiar spirit with the Mystic and Generalist tag. Even if their Warrior rating is a 5 or under, that doesn't mean they can't engage in a straight up fight, or take a direct approach to solving problems. Instead it means they are generalized, and focus on general growth and mysticism, not direct fighting. Because they are so skilled in many areas, they could apply a dozen boosts of power to themselves through various arts and rituals, arm themselves with magick weapons and armaments, and draw on their diverse powers before heading weapon first into battle. Just because that isn't where they find their joy and purpose, doesn't mean they can't do that. Specialists are the other side of that coin. Specialists focus on one thing, and they focus on it to the extreme. If they are Mystics, they learn other arts to amplify or work with their chosen methods. If they are Warriors they hone a specialized set of techniques toward unimaginable proficiency. Many Specialists don't fit into ANY other category, yet their unique powers make them very capable in a vast array of areas. Someone who specializes in Solar Energy as an innate ability for example could create powerful shields, remove blockages, fire amazing intense blasts, cleanse areas, potentially heal injuries, and more through that one ability. Difference is in how much they focus and hone ONE skill, to do many things, vs having many skills to do many things or one thing well as the Generalist does.

  • Past Preconjures

    Past Preconjures who did not find a home, but as a result are now part of RQL's team, and may be called upon through Various Services. They have access to aid from the central Preconjure Master Crystal, making them stronger than their original listing by a large margin. Their old seals have been deactivated, and their writeups included here for reference. Being Name: Forestall Wanderwing Description: She's a trickster spirit who has sworn a binding oath of loyalty. This means she will only perform very minor tricks (hiding unimportant things, moving things where they can be visibly found from where they are). She has long thin green hair and presents herself from any height ranging from one foot tall to around seven feet tall, depending on her mood. Her skin is a dark brown, and looks almost like a wood grain color and pattern despite being a soft and subtle flesh. She is able to open portals quickly, and has a mastery over spacial/planar movement as a core of who she is. Because of this, she's a capable guardian as well as a powerful ally for achieving goals. Her trickster nature means she's as much a comedian as anything else, but she is no fool. She has a deep mind, and while all offerings are good, she prefers incense as it is “a trick between air and fire” as she calls it. She is vastly old, over a two thousand years, maybe three thousand, but she doesn't track time so its hard to say. She recalls the formation of the first pyramids in Egypt, but didn't have much to say about a time period beyond that point. Because of her adaptive mind and unique powers, she's a force to be reckoned with. It should be noted she has some knowledge of general magicks as well, and is a capable generalist caster on top of her other abilities. Being Name: Scarllion Estro Description: A powerful and vast fire elemental, Scarllion stands easily fifty feet tall, but can reduce his size down to that of a normal human being. He has vast power over the element of fire, but has no power over other elements presently. He was around during the creation of what he calls “primal fire” and was at the time a “lesser elemental of heat and force” during this time. When the first primal fire element was formed, the first elemental energies of fire, he was empowered by being present to become an elemental of raw fire. He has a STRONG preference for fire offerings such as camp fires, but a candle will do normally. He does enjoy incenses, but they don't amplify his power nearly as much. He is able to travel between realms easily and he has a strong personality. He is very forward and blunt with what he thinks at any one moment, and lacks some understanding of our concepts of tact. That said, he's loyal to a fault, and is seeking to work with one in our realm who would benefit from his presence helping their connection to the element of fire. His age is indeterminable. Being Name: Tollstoff Description: Tollstoff is a wisp like spirit who was in life an elf. She passed into the realm of the elven afterlife, and has return as a spirit of light and fog, but she retains much or most of her elven traits. She can take the form of her old self, a young looking girl, who was a thousand years old at passing, with long blond hair, bright green eyes, and sharp pointed ears. In her humanoid form, thanks to magicks she touched on in life, she is able to retain her form as if though she had not passed away, but can only do this for a few hours a day. The rest of the time she is a smokey whirl of light that moves on its own and takes shapes and forms. Her voice is soft and sweet when in her elven form, but subtle and shaky when in her spirit form. She worked with great magicks as a healer in her life, and this has given her abilities beyond other ghosts or spirits of her kind. While many spirits/ghosts can not progress further past their time of death, she can still learn and grow, and enjoys doing so. She has a gentle and kind personality, and has a love of our realm. Her preference for offerings are small leaves laid on an altar, or a small glass of clean water (does not need to be distilled or spring). Incense offerings can help her with manifestation when she moves the incense smoke.++ Being Name: Kalkilin Description: A massive red elemental fire dragon, he is one of the eastern dragon types and has a love of flight, and the elemental energies of fire and air. He is massive, over one hundred feet long, and sails through the air swirling and shifting his position so that its hard to get a good look at him when he chooses to move fast. When he slows down, his lions main like beard can be clearly seen, and his canny smile lights up a room. His power over fire and air makes him a powerful guardian, and his speed is top notch. His personality is very outgoing, friendly, and witty. He is almost a trickster in his own right when he moves to defense using things like illusion coupled with his air and fire powers to create illusions that seem real to a foe. For his keeper he plays no tricks unless asked to do so to show his presence, but instead prefers jokes, humor, often pointing out the funny points in a joke through a sense or a feeling. This may be also him pointing out the funny parts of a conversations. He enjoys incense and candle offerings of any kind. Being Name: Refae Description: A Dark Fae bone collector and scavenger that lives in cemeteries wears the clothes of the dead. She likes to protect cemeteries from grave robbers and is white as old bones. Her eyes are sulfur yellow her teeth are jagged and stained yellowed. With hair the color of black dirt her long razor sharp nails can shred any flesh to bits. She speaks in a raspy voice and would be happiest if kept by bones and dirtIn her own words: l am looking for a place to teach others the benefits of the power of the dead and I wish to learn anything they think of. Being Name: Cordin Flower Description:A nature dragon appearing as an eastern dragon, they do not identify with a single gender, and would consider themselves as “Nature, which is both and neither, all and nothing.” They have strong elemental natural powers, a fun personality that shifts a bit from day to day being more serious some, for fun and happy the next, often connected to how the moon is in motion. When the moon is high, their spirits are up, when it is low, they are serious, contemplative and protective. Being Name: Alboreth Description:Appearing both as a human woman, and as a small blue eastern dragon around twenty feet long she sports dark black hair in her human form. She has some knowledge of stealth, defensive arts, alchemy, mysticism, and many arts related to these. She's a bit of a hybrid mage, warrior, and jack of all trades. She also has a great love of music and appreciation for art.

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Other Pages (48)

  • This is a Title 02 | RosequartzLabyrinth

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  • Educational Articles | RosequartzLabyrinth

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  • This is a Title 01 | RosequartzLabyrinth

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