Relegain Masterstaff
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He is a powerful Half Elf, Half Ascended human with long white hair. He utilizes staves as an amazing weapon. He can channel elemental forces through the staves, creating blasts of elements form the tips, charging with the elemental power to strike with, or slamming the ground creating a wall of elemental force that will remain after he has left the area for several hours.
Because of this focus on the staff as a weapon and focus point for magick he is an amazing combatant. He favors a quote from one of our martial artists Bruce Lee “I do not fear the man who has practiced a thousand punches once, I fear the man who has practiced one punch a thousand times.” He excels in that, and can summon a staff to him from any place. Even in a dimensional lock down, he need only hold out his hand, and a staff will teleport to him, and he can begin his “art and craft.”
Able to charge all manner of elemental spells into his saves, he keeps a massive collection of specialized staves which he can swap in and out as needed. This is noted partially in his description above, but it is worth clarifying. Not only does he create unique staves, but also has several general purpose ones. When using a unique staff, such as for example his best prime flame staff, his power is 2 - 3 levels greater than the listed level in that specific element. He can, and often does wield two elements and staves at the same time.
Outside of battle, he enjoys wood working, reading, and generally focusing on gaining knowledge and understanding of the worlds and realms he has encountered. He is in essence one who likes to be prepared, and is often readying himself for the next potential situations with a zeal.
Age: ~2,500 Years
Offerings: All are acceptable.
Level: 29
Classification: Defender/Shielder, Melee Focused, Specialized Mystic