Rebin Fellel Tisurnaminol
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A powerful mystic warrior Fae Prince who is estranged from his family and kingdom. Rebin is a master of the blade and bow, taking an expertise in combat at range and close up with equal flair. He couples this with a wide range of magicks that he can use to empower his weapons, provide powerful protections, and essential healing and cleansing abilities. He's highly skilled in these areas he pursues, partially out of necessity. He is a cast out prince of his people, having refused to take the throne to act as a puppet leader at the hands of an evil archmage. The archmage had poisoned his father the previous ruler, warping his mind. He gained power and skill, defeating the archmage, but for his deeds he was deemed a traitor to his own people by his brother, who was made the new ruler. While the kingdom has no will to hunt him down, he can never return to his home, so now seeks another.
Charging a sword in one hand he can dive in striking foes in one slash, and propel himself high into the air with his elemental magicks in an instant. He can trade sword for bow, or throwing knives, and rain down elementally charged projectiles before landing either in a place of safety, or back into the fray. He has a love of the fight, but hates the idea of killing in cold blood. He is a warrior by far, not an assassin by any measure.
As one who has both ruled and served, he is amazingly humble, and has said that rulership should be in service to the people. He himself would rather serve others than rule over them in any event, and has enjoyed gaining the skills he has. Friendly, witty, and funny he is easy to get along with. He has sandy brown hair, wears purple clothing, and has a hansom thin features.
Age: ~ 600 Years
Offerings: All are welcome, he especially enjoys incenses.
Level: 38
Classification: Cleanser, Defender/Shielder, Diverse Mystic, Healer, Melee Focused, Ranged Focused