Rambeltan Rainfoot
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While an Earth and Water Gnome naturally he has considerable skill as a Master of lunar magicks. With his brown and blue clothes, and sandy blond beard he appears unassuming yet holds the ability to make “Lunar Keys” that open gate ways to other moon's and their powers. Because of this, his lunar magicks have powers beyond that of most others, drawing on other moons from our planets, and even planets far beyond, giving him strange and unique powers in his spell work.
Friendly, and easy to get along with, not much troubles him. When the call to action happens he's the first on the scene. In his free time he likes to create small models of moons he has visited using his magick, and hangs them in his massive traveling mansion which seems to float around on a moon disc appearing like our own moon. His long life and deep well spring of visited places, meeting planetary spirits no ones have met, makes him an amazing guide.
Classification: Warrior 7, Guardian 8, Guide 10, Healer 8, Mystic 10, Generalist 4, Specialist 5
Age: ~9,000 Years
Offerings: All are acceptable.
Level: 38