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Evellin Springwater
  • Evellin Springwater


    A beautiful moon elf woman with cyan hair, a wry smile, and powers over travel and locations. Her core power are invested in travel, amplifying others in planar travel, and boosting the general energies of those around her.

    Friendly, and subtle, she isn't one to be shy, but is not overly loud. She has a gentle, soothing personality, and is easy to get along with.

    She is able to create “moon gates” in the realms, gateways made of moon energy. While she can construct any gate, they are always strongest in alignment with the moon's phases. The waxing moon is best for Ascending planes, The Full Moon for creating manifestations using the planes in our realm, and the waning moon for travel to the realms of the underworlds. The Dark Moon allows her to tap into unique dark energies, and if pushed to fight she can use these powers to create “dark shards” a kind of solid dark lunar energy. While these are strongest during the dark moon, she can create them at any point, and then shift the infusing of their energy to draw on the power of the moon phase, such as waning to drain, waxing to burn, and full to explode. During the dark moon though, they are more solid, more intense, and act almost like a poison to any foe they make contact with.

    Excellent in all forms of manifestation, she is an amazing healer, but primarily focuses on travel and journey work, amplifying her keepers abilities, and helping them to learn more about the mystical arts and arts of planar travel.

    Classification: Warrior 3, Guardian 5, Guide 7, Healer 6, Mystic 6, Generalist 6, Specialist 9

    Age: ~4,750 Years

    Offerings: Any offering made at night time.

    Level: 29

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