Andriel Castral
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She is a black haired demoness who has long bat like wings, and carries two large crescent moon blades. She is a master of chaotic creation and destruction magicks, and a demon of Uranus. Her powers allow her to manipulate incoming spells, magick, and even waves of fate, disrupting attacks, dispelling negative forces, and otherwise manipulating what would otherwise seem unmanipulable. Because her unique chaotic powers have such vast applications, and she has a deep love and study of magick, she is a powerful ally who can shift otherwise seemingly unchangeable situations.
Personality wise she is very reserved, not extremely social, but not antisocial. She has a great love of reading and writing, and can be found in her down time cataloging experiences she's had into a journal, writing stories, or reading books. She is surprisingly compassionate despite this, and often will act as a consult to those in need, or will work with younger beings or spirits in a keep to help them feel safe and sound.
Classification: Warrior 5, Guardian 10, Guide 4, Healer 6, Mystic 10, Generalist 5, Specialist 6
Age: ~800 Years
Offerings: All are acceptable
Level: 32